Sunday, February 28, 2010

A new addition to the family!

Say hello to Leroy Jenkins Bartley! Since Sarah and I work a lot, we decided Lucy needed a friend to keep her company during the day. After searching for almost two months, we found some people near us with a litter of Bostons. After going to "just look" at the puppies, we fell in love with Leroy and had to take him home.
Leroy, like Lucy, is a purebred Boston Terrier. For those not familiar with the breed, the Boston breed was created by crossing French and English bull dogs with a breed of terrier called the English White Terrier. If you've met Lucy, you've noticed she has a lot of the terrier genes in her with her huge bat ears, long legs and high energy levels. Leroy on the other hand got all the bulldog genes. He has shorter legs, a wide chest, an extra flat face and is built like a brick shithouse! We're pretty sure he's going to be a brute when he grows up. When we got him he was 8 weeks old and weighed 6.5 pounds. In contrast, when Lucy was 8 weeks old she only weighed around 4 pounds. Technically, Leroy is a genetic "reject" for the breed since he has an all-white head and a blue eye, but it's not we're going to be showing him or anything, he's so damn cute we don't care!
At first, Lucy was a bit jealous of the new arrival, but over the past couple weeks she has warmed up to her new little brother and is now teaching him all sorts of useful skills, such as using the dog door to go outside, how to drag muddy sticks and dog toys through the dog door, how to pee in the house next to the dog door and begging for food.

He's quite the cuddler too.

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